Living in Ontario makes our home environment more lived in and important to our quality of life than the rest of North America.
Your home is your best investment in a financially secure future, and it's the key to your happiness and the quality of life that you deserve.
I don’t want you to sacrifice your needs and dreams.
past interesting properties
This midcentury home was for sale in the blank district 15 mins from the tech center. Withk and have the modern home of your dreams.
This midcentury home was for sale in the blank district 15 mins from the tech center. With about 30K of upgrades you would be close to work and have the modern home of your dreams.
This midcentury home was for sale in the blank district 15 mins from the tech center. With about 30K of upgrades you would be close to work and have the modern home of your dreams.
This midcentury home was for sale in the blank district 15 mins from the tech center. With about 30K of upgrades you would be close to work and have the modern home of your dreams.
I offer more services and you get access to both of us with no rushing. We only take a few clients on at a time to make sure that you get the support you need when you need it.
I not only help you sell your home and find the next but based on your true needs and desires you get our team and network to help you find a diamond in the rough in the right location and turn it into your dream home. With remodeling and additions or some needed upgrades you have more opportunity than others by removing the limitations that others feel.
We are your team and you are our primary focus.
Call me at any stage in your journey and especially now if you're just considering your options so we can assess your options and have a few free consultations as needed before you begin.
Positioning & Listing
Consulting on all Property Options
Staging & Cleaning
Compliance & Code Assistance
Showing & Negotiating
GC & Project Management
Interior Design & Upgrading
Finding a Great Rental or Tenants
Planning and Price Estimates
Management App & More!
I became a realtor after I watched a member of my family struggle with depression and raise her new baby in a basement rental. With no yard and little light even in the summer it painfully reminded me how much freedom and quality of life comes from our home. When she and her husband were shopping they were rushed and pressured to compete in this market. They had to pay $150,000 extra over asking and when moving in we spent the first week cleaning and fixing.
My services are created to remove the difficulties of buying and selling your home and investing in this market. I also help my clients find rentals that they love to live in or lease their own properties.
Don’t regret your home purchase or limit your options.
Don’t regret your home purchase or limit your options.
Don’t make the mistake of working with someone who doesn’t see your vision and is too focused on only getting the deal done. I’ve seen too many realtors ignoring the desires or budgets and rushing their clients into decisions. With their limited services you’re stuck doing all the work and research into what it would take to make a property what you need and sometimes only have hours to do it.
Imagine not settling for something that doesn’t work for your family. Imagine not driving the extra hour in winter to work. Imagine that you get to choose the upgrades and have them included in your loan closing. To have the freedom and ability to make your home your own and not settle or live in a renovation project that takes years to finish. You deserve a place of peace and a sanctuary of your own.
Let us help you discover it and what’s possible.
Interested in one of these properties? We can help!
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